NAMA : Putri Cahya Ramadhanti 
NPM : 15219063
Source : https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2020/05/05/delegitimizing-isis-and-militant-jihadist-ideologies-may-also-require-addressing-anti-western-biases/

tugas :
1. Nevertheless, they still manage to reuse years of product produced in their heyday as well as continue to produce videos and recruit online from hidden safe havens in Iraq and Syria. 
>> Word "Nevertheless" in the sentences indicate such relationship as contrast with the previous sentences.

2. Thus, the logical next phase of fighting ISIS is not attacking militarily, but also digitally taking them out.
>> Word "Thus" in the sentences indicate such relationship as result.

3. However, there is also the need to delegitimize terrorist groups and their virulent ideologies so that they find it much harder to gain traction with their intended audience of potential recruits.
>> Word "However" in the sentences indicate such relationship as contrast with previous sentences.

4. Likewise, participants in ICSVE-led focus groups as well as one imprisoned ISIS terrorist emir in Iraq have also reported (or in the case of the emir, was observed) being deeply moved by the content of the videos.
>> Word "Likewise" in the sentences indicate such relationship as comparison.

5. However, online viewers often attack the credibility of the speaker as way of expressing anger over some aspect of what is being portrayed or over what they surmise is behind the counternarrative.
>> Word "However" in the sentences indicate such relatiinship as contrast with previous sentences.

6. However, ISIS's loss of territory may be used as evidence that the Caliphate is, as al-Qaeda posits, a distant goal.  
>> Word "However" in the sentences indicate such relationship as contrast with previous sentences.
7. Furthermore, propagation of the conspiracy, either purposefully or inadvertently through comments on counternarratives, that ISIS was created by Israel and Western powers to destroy Islam from within may also provide fodder for groups like al-Qaeda, which focus on targeting the "far enemy"  while proselytizing to Muslims who don't exist to their form of radical fundamentalism.
>> Word "Furthermore" in the sentences indicate such relationship as addition.
